Telematics Service Provider

The below workflow explains the process through which TSP will start receiving telemetry stream.

telematics workflow fig-1

Telematics Workflow

There are 2 state actors to the workflow, one is customer and another is TSPs.

As per the pictorial representation each step is explained below

  1. Customer subscribes to TSP using a Telematics Request Form, which is provided in the Hino NextGen Customer portal.

  2. During this process the system generates an automated email with all the VINs selected by customer along with customer details and is emailed to TSPs Business team.

  3. The TSPs Business team receives the email which is then sent to respective designated team. In any case these emails are missed due to loss in communication or email getting into SPAM folders, customers can initiate these requests and Hino Business team shall connect.

  4. TSPs Business team, interacts with the customer through an offline channel.

  5. A finalized list of VINs for the customer(fleetcode) to receive telemetry stream data is prepared.

  6. To start receiving telemetry stream data, TSPs to call "Inbound Call API For Telematic Service Providers" API to confirm the subscription. Look for "Subscription confirmation under <tsp>", direct link for the same is

  7. A confirmation response is triggered as response to the API call. 

  8. As this telemetry subscription is now active, the maximum frequency of 2 min at which the stream data for these VINs shall be expected. Note if the vehicle transmission is in stopped state, you will not receive any data for the VIN. Expect a maximum delay of 2 to 3 min before the data is published in the Queue for telemetry stream.

  9. The consumer is responsible to read the message and mark it as read in the queue. These messages will be purged every 14 days subject to maximum storage of 1GB.

These telemetry data are sent through Microsoft Azure Service Bus technology using AMQP 1.0 protocol. Technical know on how to consume stream data using Azure service bus queue can be found on

For developers

You need not perform mentioned steps to test the service. We have test stream data queue which are designed and provided to you speed up your development process. These stream data queues will be sending out stream data for 10 dummy VINs every minute.

Dummy VINs shall be of max length of 17 character alphanumeric with DUMMY text as first 5 char.

Stream data queue 1

  • Name : mock_cherry_telematics_im7jmnxs

  • URL :

  • Connection String : Endpoint=sb://;SharedAccessKeyName=listenQueue;SharedAccessKey=M18TcEwsohbewpmF5kebj4rXn9XzxPlDHpUZiL3Vb/k=;EntityPath=mock_cherry_telematics_im7jmnxs

  • Protocol : AMQP 1.0

Stream data queue 2

  • Name : mock_orange_telematics_im7jmnxs

  • URL :

  • Connection String : Endpoint=sb://;SharedAccessKeyName=listenQueue;SharedAccessKey=EZLxS4jch5VV3sw6DXhOPBU7brkNcfMU8dPPFQrGJbM=;EntityPath=mock_orange_telematics_im7jmnxs

  • Protocol : AMQP 1.0

A sample stream data payload for CUMMINS Engine can be downloaded from

The details on the series name/signals can be found

Example payload with time stamp explanation here

Example payload for GPS time stamp explanation here

You can download the sample application written in C# language from here.